教育医学 第48巻 目次

第1号 第2号 第3号 第4号   (目次ページへ戻る)

第1号 (大会号につき非掲載)

教育医学 第48巻 第2号


Nakada, Masakatsu, Shinichi Demura, Tamotsu Kitabayashi and Kaoru Imaoka
Reliability and interrelationship between parameters evaluating dynamic balance for the elder people based various step movements.

Yifa Jiang, Sachio Nagasaki, Yoshinori Furuta, Seyd Mohammad Mirbod and
Hideo Kimura
Postural sway depends on aging and physique (luring upright standing in normals.

Kim, Young—Jun
The relationship between organizational culture and organizational effectiveness of the commercial sport centers.

Yang, Jae-Keun
A study on the organizational climate of Korean professional baseball organizatin.

Maeda, Shigeru, Munehiro Tetsuguchi and Kan—ichi Mimura
Physical ftness characteristics of medical check acceptors.

Abe, Keiko, Kan-ichi Minima, Takeshi Masuya, Munehiro Tetsuguchi and
Shigeru Katsuno
About the physical characteristics, motor performance and daily activity of elementary school children.

Okada, Shuichi
Postural movement patterns in response to a sudden deceleration generated by postural
disturbance in elderly women with a history of falls.

大会後記 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・272
教育医学 第48巻 第3号 目次


Minami, Masaki, Shinichi Demura, Shigeru Shimada, Shunsuke Yamaji and Yukio Ikemoto
Relationships between renewed and old physical fitness tests of the Ministry of Education Culture, Sports, Science- and Technology of Japan
―For male students (aged 15 to 18) in a National College of Technology―

Takada, Yoshihiro and Shuichi Okada
Upper limb muscles EMG changes in baseball pitching (luring a simulated game.

Oguri, Kazuo, Liping Zhao, Na Du, Yoshihiro Kato, Junichi Kurokawa, Sachio Nagasaki, Ikuo Watanabe, Kazuhiko Makino, Hajime Imai and Toshio Matsuoka
Effects of short term training at I 800m altitude on physiological responses of adolescent endurance athletes.

Kim, Young-I-In
Adolescents’ exercise behavior and exercise self-efficacy In a Korean perspective

Wada, Setsuko and Junzo Mitsui
Effects of allergic disorders and orthostatic dysregulation on ear]y childhood development.

Arikawa, 1-lajirne, Hajime Imai, Kayo Kumagai, Yukako Ohno, Michiko Nishida, Yoshinori Furuta and Yoshiyuki Watanabe
Study of school lunch consumption and body types of junior high school students.

教育医学 第48巻 第4号 目次


Demura, Shinichi, Nobuhide Tada, and Jinzaburo Matsuzawa
Relationships between depression and lifestyle factors in community-dwelling elderly:
Comparing between gender and age-stage groups.

Shigematsu, Ryosuke, Kiyoji Tanaka and Hunkyung Kim
Functional fitness level sufficient for achievement of activities parallel to daily living in older men.

Sumi, Katsunori
Relationship between daily hassles and stress appraisal on menial health.

Liu, Yunfa, Kan-ichi Mimura, Lixin Wang, and Komei Ikuta
The training effects of 24-style Taijiquan in older adults.
―In view of electroencephalogram, electromyogram, heart rate, respiratory rate―.

Nagasaki, Sachio, Yifa Jiang, Yoshinori Furuta, Seyd Mohammad Mirbod,
Toshio Matsuoka and Hidenori Kimura
Falls risk prediction in old women: evaluated by trunk sway tests in static upright stance.

Abo, Junnichi, Sonoe Muramatsu, Takeshi Akita, None Hiro and Keiko Amano
Relationship between bone mass and life-style among university students.

教育医学 第48巻 第5号 目次

In memory of Dr, Takashi Nakagawa

The Proceedings of the 50th Conference of Japanese Society of Education and Science and Health (JSEHS), and the 2nd Commemoratory International Meeting of Education and Health Science (IMEHS)

Invitational Lecture
Katch Frank I.
Estimation of ideal body sue and shape using the body profile analysis system (BPAS):
Application to collegiate and professional baseball players.

Luncheon Semminar
Kemper, Han C.C.
Is physical activity important for fitness and health in youth?

General Presentations
Yamazawa, Kazuko, Yasuko Mizuno, Hiroe Amano, Motome Mori, and Masahide Omori
Relationship between body images and life habits of women’s college students.

Kawaguchi, Yutaka, and Masahide Omori
Effects of music therapy.

Omori, Yumiko, Nobuko Miyata, and Masahide Omori
Basic study on practical music therapy.

Ishikawa, Yukio, Mamoru Aoki, Kyoko Furuya, Yoshimasa Mori, and Yasuo Hata Introducing of the ness sports to the mentally retarded: The sports quoits “qulority” and “bean howling”.

Ebisu, Toshimitsu, and Hirokuni Yamagishi
The effects of going without breakfast upon fatigue, fitness, body composition, blood glucose, serum total protein and serum free fatty acid.

Miyata, Nobuko, Akiyo Sugiyama, Hiroko Furuzawa, Katsuko Simoi, Hiroko Hashimoto, and Yukiko Saburi
Change in care-giving burden after the introduction of the elderly care insurance system Evaluation using the cumulative fatigue symptom index-housewife (CFSI- El).

lnoue, Hirokuni, Asao Yamazaki, Toshiaki Mizuno, Toshio Matsuoka, and Masahide Omori
Study on health conditions and dietary habits of female students.

Furuzawa, Hiroko, Chisako Sakakibara, Takako Ishihara, and Nobuko Miyata
Active involvement of senior citizen in society and related factors.

Yajima, Manami, Yoshinori Ikeda, Tomohiko Furuta, Kazuko Yamazawa, and
Masahide Omori
Results of health promotion activity in a local community life,
―exercise habits and subjective health conditions―

Omori, Masahide, Kazuko Yamazawa, Yasuko Mizuno, and Kaoru Amanuma
Relationship between living circumstances and life satisfaction in elders.

Mizuno Yasuko, Kazuko Yamazawa, and Masahide Omori
Stresses and health conditions in female students.

Hata, Chizuyo, Hirokuni Inoue, and Haruko Takada
Research survey on the lifestyle and health control of students in Japanese and Korea.

Chun, Eom-Rong
The study on anxiety of scuba divers.

Cho, Ki Jeoung
The effects of forward and backward propulsions on upper body’s muscle fatigue in manual wheelchair.


Hisaka, Hozue
Binocular stereopsis of preschool children and motor play.

Yamada, Takayoshi, Shinichi Demura, Shunsuke Yamaji, and Tamotsu Kitabayashi
Reliability of the parameters regarding floor reaction force and EMG of lower body muscles, and the relationships among the parameters during a sitting to standing movement.

